June 22–29, 2025 IRAS Conference Spiritual Experience: A Scientific, Philosophical and Theological Retreat
In recent decades we have seen an increase in scientific, philosophical and theological research focused on the processes involved in “spiritual” transformation. This has generated a more comprehensive science-based understanding, including physical, psychological and substance-induced approaches that promote intentional opening to spiritual experience. There is evidence that we have a spiritual core (central and innermost) biologically wired into us that is normally “outside of awareness,” that there are ways to open and engage that core and that when people open to that awareness, they often describe the experience as mystical or numinous.
Science, Religion & Society: The Online Series IRAS Sessions Webinars continue
Due to the pandemic, we had to postpone our 2020 Star Island conference until the summer of 2021. In order to continue to engage with IRAS themes and the IRAS community throughout the year, with Star Island’s generous support, we launched a live webinar series: Science, Religion, & Society. Over a years worth of collected session videos are available, and more to come.