CALL FOR PAPERS to be presented at the 2025 IRAS Conference June 22 to June 29, 2025: Star Island, NH
Scientific, philosophical and theological research on the processes involved in “spiritual” transformation has generated a science-based understanding of physical, psychological, and substance-induced approaches which promote intentional opening to spiritual experience. There is evidence that we may have a spiritual core biologically wired into us and that there are ways to engage that core, resulting in “mystical/numinous” experiences and a comprehensive agape for ourselves, others, and life itself. These experiences have been linked to creativity, vitality, a sense of wholeness and purpose, communion with others, and awe/wonder.
We encourage professionals across disciplines to submit proposals for papers that address this theme. Possible questions to be considered might include:
How does the reality of immanent spiritual experience impact specific areas of science, philosophy and/or theology?
What might a new field of “ontology of Being” look like in the overlapping worldview of science, philosophy and/or theology?
What additional practices can be added to promote personal spiritual experience/ awakenings?
We also invite professional teacher/practitioners to submit proposals for workshops in transformational healing practices such as yoga, shamanistas, body/breathwork, sound healing, meditation, and other arts.
Submit a 500-word abstract or workshop description to [email protected], with “IRAS 2025 Proposal” in the subject line,by March 15, 2025. Abstracts must not include identifying information. Please send a separate cover letter with author details.
Proposals will be peer reviewed, with a limited number accepted. The top two will be awarded Shapley-Booth Scholarships that cover conference registration and room/board. Authors may later submit their papers to Zygon for full text peer-review and potential publication.
A pre-conference article by the Conference Chair Calvin Chatlos MD and Commentary from other scholars may be of interest and can be found in Zygon The article is a summary of the thinking and work of Dr. Chatlos which led to the development of the conference and it highlights some questions to be addressed during the week.
Decisions will be made and proposers notified by April 1.
For general questions about the call for papers/workshops, contact Calvin Chatlos: [email protected]